domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016

Killer is Dead (Fan Edition) for Xbox360™ (X360)

Killer is Dead (Fan Edition) for Xbox360™ (X360) 


Killer is Dead takes place in a future world with an abundance of technological advancements - including lunar tourism and cybernetic enhancements. Play as main character Mondo Zappa, a professional executioner - tasked with killing dangerous criminals and assassins around the world. Mondo has a few tricks up his sleeve, including the cybernetic left arm that can be transformed into multiple different weapons. General human strength and ability are enhanced through biomechanical replacement parts and doping at a regular basis. Such advances are arising at a dreadfully fast rate that a new type of criminals has started emerging. They’re stronger, faster and unethical than ever before! Because of them, petty crimes and terrorism are everywhere. The police and military are having a hard time to keep up with them. The world is becoming more and more hellish each day. 
Killer is Dead (Fan Edition)

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